Breast vs. Bottle
Ok, I can't decide what I want to do. I have successfully nursed Ryan for 9 months. For the past month, he has not wanted to nurse except on rare occassion. This poses a problem for me. It is very inconvenient to try and pump while he is roaming free, as this leaves him ample time to get into everything he shouldn't. And if I put him in the playpen, he screams at the top of his lungs until I am done. He takes both formula and breastmilk equally with ease, so that is not an issue. But the day that made it come home for me: having to pump in a bathroom while at a class last week. Here is how the dialogue went:
Scene: Computer classroom with a bathroom to the right. Everyone can hear what occurs in this bathroom, as it is not soundproof insulated and is 3 feet away.
Me: Is there a place where I can go to pump on breaks?
Instructor: There's a bathroom right there, or there is one down the hall.
Helpfull classmate: Yeah, I also saw one downstairs by the elevator.
Me [thinking]: Sure, let me just prepare your meal in the bathroom, and see how you like it.
So after that day, it got me thinking...if my new job does not allow a good private place for me to pump for 15 minutes, do I want to continue this for another 2 months and provide the breastmilk for Ryan, or do I call it quits and congratulate myself that I made it this long?
Though our society is screaming that breastfeeding is best, it is only best when it lasts for 3-6 months, or is not ever seen. I am catching so much crap because I am still pumping for my son. The same people that made me feel guilty because I wasn't sure at first if it was something I wanted to do are now critizing me because I still am. Go figure.
Next post: hopefully a video of Ryan walking. I will be working on it today.