Sunday, January 31, 2010


We went to Build-A-Bear for Gracie's B-day, since she is soooo into bears right now. Her birthday isn't until Wed., but I wanted it done so we could take pictures with our new bear on her actual b-day, so off we went.

I don't know if you can see, but Ryan has his blanket shoved up in his sweater, "to keep it safe." He had me laughing so hard, looking like the hunchback.

We got to the store, and Ryan decided he needed a bear that would protect him from the invisible monsters that reside under his bed at night, forcing him to sleep with Mom and Dad in the middle of the night. Let's pray it works!

We picked out our special friends, a camo bear for Ryan, a bunny with great ears for Gracie. Gracie wanted each and every one, so Mom helped pick one. Then it was time to pick sounds. Gracie picked a giggle sound, and Ryan picked the roar, to scare the monsters of course.

Ryan picked his heart for his bear out, but wasn't overly impressed with making it 'special' .

Then it was Gracie's turn to 'stuff' her bunny. I helped her step on the peddle, but she enjoyed that once she figured it out.

Then she picked out her heart for her bunny....and then another and another....We finally settled on the 'best' one.

She gave it a big hug, warmed it up just so, and gave it a big kiss.

Now it was time to 'register' our new friends, so Mom did Gracie's, then Dad did Ryan's. Gracie's is named Bunny, Ryan's is named G.I. Joe.

We love our new bunny!
And now for Random Pics, here is Ryan and Gracie playing together. Ryan is actually playing and Gracie pretends, but they are definately playing better together. I LOVE it! Ryan has turned into such a good big brother. He's come a looong way from dumping her out of her bouncer at 1 wk old, thumping her on the head, etc.

This is what I get for taking a 5 minute shower all by myself. That is shredded paper all over the place. Thank you, Sweetheart, my floor needed to be cleaned anyway.
And this is Gracie with her swollen lip. I love how she shows it off! She has turned into such a ham!

Well, that's all for now. I am 32 wks pregnant today, and certainly feeling it. Breathing is a chore, walking is a chore, everything is a chore! I love feeling the baby move, but as I count down to delivery, I am more and more ready every day. We have finally picked out names as well. That has been a fight I never thought I'd have to such a degree! We have Lucas Aaron for a boy, Erica Lynn if its a dark haired girl, and Lily (not completely sure on middle name yet) if its a light haired girl. The light/dark thing is weird, I know, but it is how my mind works at the moment.
As far as 'feeling' what this one is, I swear its twin girls, or at least an asian girl, so its probably just one boy! My instincts and 'feelings' are always waaay off, so who knows. My butt says girl, my belly says boy, again, who knows! I just know, I'm ready to find out soon!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My head hurts

I'm attempting to play the coupon game. But right now, when even breathing is difficult, this is proving above and beyond me right now. I will keep plugging away, I will keep clipping, I will keep on searching for my deal, but man my head hurts!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

29 wks

Hopefully soon, I will be able to sit down and actually update. For now, here is an updated belly pic for those that are needing to see! This pic was taken at 04:30 am, so just a little tired looking (what's new, right?), but don't I look good in the scrubs Poppy got me? Thank you so much! I love them.