Ryan climbing his toy.
Bubbleshare hates me. I have tried for 2 days to get the stupid thing to work. I can get the pics uploaded, but when I try to post it to my blog, it doesn't recognize the HTML. I am annoyed. So instead, I will add the pics the old fashioned way.
Posted by
Marcie and BIll
8:30 AM
Who is that big boy? He is not supposed to be big enough to do that. He is growing to fast.
I tried Bubbleshare, too - couldn't get it to work. Hence my introduction to Flickr.
How cute is that little diaper butt?! Love that.
Hello all.
My most sincere apologize for the frustration with your blogging experiences with BubbleShare.
Over the last few days we had made a major overhaul of our system and have been ironing a few bugs.
I just personally tested the blog code myself using blogger.com and did in fact receive an error that was not there prior to our move to the new system (which includes the ability for you to create an account to track your albums).
I've sent an urgent request to my team to take care of your problem, and have asked the first person to resolve the issue to get back to you ASAP and to cc me on the reply.
Mr./Ms. Miller and Robyn, thanks for making note of this problem. We'll try to get on it as quickly as possible.
If you need anymore assistance or have any further feedback, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at Albert (AT) BubbleShare.com
Kind regards,
Albert Lai
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