Saturday, April 08, 2006

A month in summary

Well, since my last post, Ryan has been diagnosed with pneumonia, recovered, and my family has come to visit. Oh, and now we have a driveway and pad site on our new land. It has been rather hectic around our house, to say the least. Ryan did rather well being so sick. He was a little whiney for a few days, but that was all. Once I could get the on-call doctor to take me seriously and order me some cough medicine and antibiotics for him, he got better much quicker. But his coughing was keeping him up, and waking him up, anytime he tried to sleep. Poor baby was exhausted (and so were we) that when he finally stopped coughing, he slept straight through the night, then took two 3 hour naps. It was lovely!

Our land is just waiting for us! I can just see so much potential, now that we have something done over there. I am so anxious for the next phase, its just a matter of money, of course. I keep reminding myself, patience is a virtue.

Well, Mom, Dad, and Grandma Doris came to visit and we had such a wonderful time. How is it that you don't do much during the day besides 3 trips to Wal-Mart, but you feel like you have worked so hard?! Perhaps its the fact that I had to give up my naps. This has me worried when its time for the next baby...can I do it? I am so spoiled sleeping when Ryan sleeps right now.

Until the next event occurs,

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