Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sty, my EYE!

Ok, so I have had a little issue with my left eye. Started with the just the upper eyelid feeling inflamed, now the corner has taken on a new bump, right at the tear duct. So on Monday, I call my OB/GYN and see what I can do. Bad move. She orders me some ointment (that yes, is safe and is used for eye issues), however, it only made my problem worse quickly. So today I went to the eye doc, and the only availability was for an optometrist. I tried hard to see an opthamologist (did I spell that right?), and wasn't able to until Fri/most likely Monday. Couldn't wait that long. So he proceeds to tell me that I have a sty and not to worry. If I would like to wait it out, it would go away on its own, or he could get me some antibiotics. Antibiotics please! Oh, but check with the other doc first to make sure its good with the peanut. Sure, that's all handled, my eye still feels horrid, I look horrid, and I just don't believe him. Heidi, is he for real?!! And yes, I sure did question him since my entire eyelid is infected. Oh not to worry, chuckle, chuckle, its just part of what a sty is. Ok, so here's the pic. Yeah, I know I have ugly Betty eyebrows working it right now, but look past that. What ya think?

So now here are my boys, just because they are the cutest ever. This is at Nana's 84th birthday party, and Ryan did very well for a 3hr lunch. Part of the entertainment was flashing those cheesy grins at the camera.

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